Education Loan

Getting your dream career is possible now with the help of education loan facility now.
Students need to go through the following steps to apply for the loan from government banks near you.

1. Visit and click on Apply Now.

2. Enter your basic details to complete your registration process.

3. Login with the help of email id and password.

4. Fill your details.

5. Upload the required documents.

6. Submit and select your bank.

7. Visit the nearest bank and submit the documents.

8. Get your loan Approved.

Documents required to apply for education loan:-
 Class 10 th Marksheet
 Class 12 th Marksheet
 Graduation Marksheet (For PG Programs)
 Residential Proof
 Parents AADHAR and PAN CARD
 Income Tax Return certificate of parents*

Students can also visit the private banks with the above mentioned documents and apply for the loan.

Still Confused with the education loan process? Connect Accustudy team. We will be happy to help you.